Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tablet-Based Computing Projects

As part of the Tablet-Based Computing initiative, the following research projects explore the potential of the Tablet PC in computing curriculum. Through these efforts, we hope to help make computing content and instruction more engaging and effective, resulting in higher success rates for students, the ability to attract more and better quality students to computing programs, and opening the world of computing to non-computer science majors.
Hands-On Labs
Get step-by-step information about how to build Mobile PC and Tablet PC applications with these hands-on labs.
Tablet PC Software Showcase

Microsoft is working with industry-leading software developers to create a strong foundation of application software for the Tablet PC.
Tablet PC Software Showcase
Want to see what cool software applications are available on the Tablet PC? You can view the Tablet PC Software Showcase on your Tablet PC. The catalog runs in both landscape and portrait modes and is filled with useful products for the Tablet PC. You can search the catalog by vertical industries, application software categories, and by functional software categories.
Showcase Viewing RequirementsTo view the demos in the catalog, you need Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.5 or higher) and the Macromedia Flash Player (version 7+). For an optimal viewing experience, use a high-speed Internet connection, and set your screen resolution to 1024 x 768 or higher.
Are you creating applications for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition? Want to be featured in Microsoft's Tablet PC Software Showcase? Find details at the Microsoft Tablet PC Partner Program Web site.

Thursday, August 10, 2006